Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO: Know the Difference

In the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), two distinct strategies have emerged – Black Hat and White Hat SEO. These tactics represent the dichotomy of ethical and unethical practices in the digital marketing realm. Understanding the difference between these approaches is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance their online visibility while adhering to ethical standards.

White Hat SEO: Ethical Optimization Strategies

Focus on Quality Content

White Hat SEO is the epitome of ethical optimization strategies. At its core, it revolves around creating high-quality, relevant, and valuable content for users. This approach aligns with search engines’ ultimate goal – providing users with the best possible experience by delivering content that answers their queries and meets their needs.

Keyword Research and Optimization

One of the key aspects of White Hat SEO is diligent keyword research. By identifying and optimize relevant keywords, businesses can attract targeted traffic to their websites. This involves the integration of keywords in a natural and meaningful way within content, meta tags, and other on-page elements.

User Experience Optimization

White Hat SEO extends beyond content creation and keyword optimization to focus on enhancing the overall user experience. This includes improving website navigation, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and optimizing page load times. A positive user experience not only satisfies visitors but also aligns with search engines’ preferences.

Link Building Through Quality Backlinks

Building a robust backlink profile is an essential aspect of White Hat SEO. However, the emphasis is on acquiring high-quality, authoritative backlinks from reputable sources. This is achieved through organic link-building methods, such as creating shareable content and fostering genuine relationships within the industry.

Black Hat SEO: Unethical Practices and Risks

Keyword Stuffing

Black Hat SEO often involves the unethical practice of keyword stuffing. This entails excessively using keywords within content with the aim of manipulating search engine rankings. However, search engines have become sophisticated in identifying and penalizing such practices.

Cloaking and Hidden Text

Cloaking involves presenting different content to search engines and users, deceiving search engine algorithms. Similarly, using hidden text or links that are not visible to users but are intended for search engines is a Black Hat tactic. These practices are considered deceptive and can result in severe penalties.

Link Farms and Irrelevant Link Building

Unlike White Hat SEO, Black Hat practitioners may resort to creating link farms – networks of websites solely designed to generate backlinks. These links are often irrelevant to the content and can lead to a decline in website credibility. Search engines penalize such manipulative link-building strategies.

Duplicate Content and Scraping

Creating duplicate content or scraping content from other websites is a Black Hat tactic aimed at quickly generating large volumes of content. However, this practice undermines the value of original content and can lead to search engine penalties.


The distinction between Black Hat and White Hat SEO is pivotal for businesses navigating the competitive landscape of online visibility. While White Hat SEO focuses on ethical practices, quality content, and user experience, Black Hat SEO resorts to manipulative tactics that can lead to severe consequences. As digital marketing continues to evolve, businesses must choose their SEO strategies wisely, understanding that ethical practices not only improve search engine rankings but also contribute to long-term success in the online realm.

SEO Writing Tips to Boost Your Rankings

Are you a freelance writer looking to break into the world of SEO writing? Or maybe you’re already an experienced SEO writer, but you want to brush up on your skills? Either way, this article is for you! In it, we’ll discuss what SEO writing is, some things to keep in mind when doing it, and offer some final thoughts. So let’s get started!

What is SEO Writing?

SEO writing is the process of creating content that is both informative and keyword-rich, so that it may be easily found by search engines. This type of writing must be interesting enough to draw in human readers while still being packed with the keywords that search engines use to index and rank web pages. Search engines are constantly changing their algorithms and so SEO writing is an ongoing process that requires ongoing research.

There are many different types of SEO writing, including blog posts, articles, product descriptions, and web page content. In order to ensure that your content is both keyword-rich and interesting to readers, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure to do your research on which keywords are most commonly used by search engines. Second, pack your content with relevant keywords while still making sure it flows well and is interesting to read. Finally, remember that search engine algorithms are constantly changing, so keep up with the latest trends in SEO writing in order to stay ahead of the competition.

Things To Keep In Mind When Doing SEO Writing

When it comes with SEO Writing, there are some key things that you have to bear in mind. Firstly, it is important to understand that SEO Writing is not the same as normal writing. This is because the focus of SEO Writing is about creating content that is keyword rich and optimized for search engines. As such, it is important to ensure that the content you create is able to rank highly in search engine results pages.

Additionally, it is also important to create content that is interesting and engaging for human readers. This is because, although the primary focus of SEO Writing may be on search engines, it is still necessary to draw human readers in with your content. If your content is not interesting or engaging, then people are unlikely to want to read it, regardless of how well it ranks in search engine results pages.

Finally, it should also be noted that SEO Writing is an ongoing process. This is because search engines are constantly changing their algorithms, which can impact the way in which content ranks in search engine results pages. As such, it is necessary to regularly research SEO Writing techniques so that you can ensure that your content remains optimized for search engines.

Final Thoughts

SEO Writing can be a difficult and time-consuming process, but it is ultimately worth it for the benefits it can bring. By creating keyword rich content, businesses can increase their chances of being found by search engines. Additionally, by making the content interesting and engaging, businesses can attract human readers. However, due to the constantly changing algorithms of search engines, SEO Writing is an ongoing process that requires regular research. Despite the difficulties, SEO Writing is still important for businesses that want to improve their online presence.

Content Marketing: How to write amazing headlines

The most important part of any article is the headline. A headline is what catches a reader’s attention and makes them want to read more. If your headline is boring or doesn’t make sense, people will move on to something else. That’s why it’s so important to write amazing headlines that will draw readers in and make them want to learn more. In this article, we’ll discuss why amazing headlines are so important, give you some tips for writing them, and share some ideas for coming up with catchy headlines of your own. By the end, you’ll be an expert at writing headlines that will make your content irresistible.

Why amazing headlines are important

Your headline is important for two reasons: first, because it can make or break your content, and second, because it’s the first thing people see. If your headline doesn’t make sense or isn’t interesting, people will move on to something else. That’s why it’s so important to write amazing headlines that accurately reflect the content of your article and make people want to read more. You have a limited amount of space to make an impact with your headline, so it needs to be clear and concise. It also needs to accurately reflect the content of your article. If your headline doesn’t match the article, people will feel misled and be less likely to trust your content in the future. An amazing headline will make your content irresistible. By following these tips, you can be sure that your headlines are attention-grabbing and accurate, ensuring that more people will read and engage with your content.

Tips for writing amazing headlines

Here are some tips for writing amazing headlines that will make your content irresistible:

  1. Use keyword research to come up with ideas. This is one of the best ways to come up with ideas for headlines are to use keyword research. By doing this, you can find out what people are searching for and write headlines that are relevant to their needs.
  2. Make headlines short and to the point. The headline should be short and to the point. It should no longer be necessary to communicate the message of your article.
  3. Use numbers and lists. People love lists and they are more likely to click on an article if the headline includes a number. You can also use listicles, which are articles that are presented in the form of a list.
  4. Be creative. Don’t be afraid to be creative with your headlines. Be different and stand out from the rest.


Here are some key takeaways from the article on content marketing and how to write amazing headlines: – Use keyword research to come up with ideas for headlines – Make headlines short and to the point – Use numbers and listicles in headlines – Be creative with your headlines – Use a thesaurus to find inspiration for amazing headlines – Brainstorm with a friend or colleague – Keep a list of words or phrases that inspire you – Play with alliteration and puns – Try to be concise.

8 Effective Tips to Boost Your Conversion Rates

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a great way to maximize your website’s potential and ensure that visitors are taking the desired action. In this blog post, we will be discussing 8 effective tips to help you boost your conversion rates and improve the performance of your website. These tips include understanding your audience, optimizing your page design, utilizing A/B testing, and more.

Read on to learn how you can use CRO to increase your website’s success.
1) Define your goals

Before you start making any changes to your website, it is essential to set clear goals so that you can measure your progress and results. What do you want your visitors to do? Are you looking for more newsletter sign-ups, purchases, or just more general engagement with your website? Setting goals will give you a focus and keep you on track.

2) Understand your audience

It is important to understand the wants and needs of your target customers in order to craft a message that resonates with them. Before you can start thinking about how to convert your visitors into customers, you need to take some time to understand who they are and what they’re looking for. Investigate their interests, preferences, needs, and pain points, and use this insight to inform your conversion strategy.

3) Improve your website design

By using a simple and intuitive layout, you can make it easier for visitors to quickly find the information they need.

4) Write compelling copy

Crafting persuasive copy is essential to any successful Conversion Rate Optimization strategy.

5) Use attractive visuals

Using visuals such as infographics, illustrations, and videos can be an effective way to capture your visitors’ attention and boost your conversion rates.

6) Use social proof

Showing off the success of other customers who have used your product or service is a great way to establish trust and credibility.

7) Offer incentives

Incentives can be an effective way to encourage conversions, whether it’s a discount, free shipping, or any other type of reward.

8) Test, test, test

Testing is the final, yet essential step in the conversion rate optimization process. You need to measure and track all changes you’ve implemented to see if they had an impact on your overall conversion rate. Additionally, it’s important to keep a constant eye on your website performance with brand monitoring tools. This will help you identify new opportunities and make sure your conversion rate optimization efforts have a lasting positive effect.


Boosting your conversion rates doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. By taking the time to define your goals, understand your audience, write compelling copy, improve website design, use social proof, offer incentives, use attractive visuals, and test everything, you can create an effective strategy that will increase your conversion rates. Each of these steps will help you create a more engaging and user-friendly experience for your visitors, resulting in higher conversion rates and better business results. Keep in mind that each of these tips should be tailored to the specific needs of your company and its customers. With a well-crafted plan in place, you’ll be on your way to boosting your conversion rates and achieving your business goals.

The 5 Most Common Reasons Your Online Marketing Strategy is Failing

If you’re struggling to get the results you want from your online marketing efforts, you’re not alone. The truth is, it can be hard to know what’s going wrong. Fortunately, there are some common mistakes that marketers make that are easy to identify and fix. In this blog post, we’ll explore the five most common reasons your online marketing strategy is failing, and provide tips on how to improve it. Read on to learn more about why your online marketing strategy may be falling flat, and how you can get back on track!

You Don’t Have a Defined Target Audience

An important part of any successful online marketing strategy is to have a clearly defined target audience. Without this, it’s difficult to create effective messaging that will engage your potential customers and increase conversions. To create an effective target audience, you need to clearly define who your ideal customer is and what their needs are. Consider factors such as demographic data, interests, lifestyle, and values when creating your target audience. This information can help you craft content that will truly speak to them and encourage them to take action.

Your Website is Not optimized

If you want to effectively market your business online, it is essential to optimize your website for search engine results. This involves using the correct keywords, as well as ensuring that your site loads quickly and is mobile-friendly. Without taking the time to make sure your website is properly optimized, you won’t be able to reach your target audience and will likely fall flat in your online marketing efforts.

You’re Not investing in SEO

If your online marketing strategy isn’t bringing in the results you’re hoping for, it may be time to invest in SEO. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results. Without SEO, your site is likely to remain buried among the millions of other pages that appear on search engine results pages. To get the most out of SEO, consider hiring an experienced SEO consultant who can assess your site and create an optimized strategy tailored to your business goals.

You’re Not Created Engaging Content

If you want to succeed in online marketing, you must create content that will capture the attention of your target audience. Without engaging content, you’ll struggle to get the clicks, shares and conversions you need to drive traffic and sales. Investing time and effort into creating content that resonates with your target audience will ensure that your online marketing strategy will be successful.

You’ve Not been analyzing Your Results

Analyzing the results of your online marketing strategy is essential for success. Without analyzing your analytics, you won’t know what strategies are working and which are not. You need to assess your click-through rates, engagement rates, ROI, and other metrics in order to determine what is working best for your business. Without analyzing your results, you won’t be able to make the necessary changes and improvements to your online marketing strategy.

Final Thoughts

Developing a successful online marketing strategy takes time and effort. By following the tips mentioned in this blog post, you can get your online marketing back on track and start to see the results you desire.

Top 7 Elements of A Successful Customer Engagement Marketing Strategy

It is almost always vital that you examine creating a good scalable customer engagement marketing strategy.

This tends to differ based on the company, but you can break the procedure into 8 obvious steps:

1. Describe What Customer Proposal Marketing Means

Engagement may take many varieties, so it’s essential to decide what behavior you have to drive. An obvious format of outcomes enables you to identify the achievement metrics that solve your progress toward better customer proposals. Whilst the description of customer proposal marketing is hazy and available to interpretation, the metrics to measure proposal really should not be.

2. Capture Customer Info

Data should travel everything that comes after, not hunches or perhaps intuition. As a result of advances in technology, it’s never recently been better to recapture client data in some form or additional. Regardless of whether brands have historical data to operate from, customers will soon be changing. So, keep the info current just in case you do not want to fall season behind!

Most makers may have historical data to operate from, but other people could need to capture it again. In any event, up-to-date and correct customer data are usually vital to a good successful customer proposal strategy.

3. Unify Customer Info

Meant for some brands, client data can be trapped in particular departments. This outcomes inside a scenario exactly where sales, marketing, client support, product advancement, as well as the board just about all enjoy a different impression of what the right buyer appears like. Customer proposal transcends all department silos because every single touchpoint is a good possibility to build a good relationship.

For people in marketing, it includes understanding an important part of the customer experience: the content-sales process that’s often overlooked. By addressing discomfort points before a good transaction, you protect a much greater experience for the customer post-transaction and for that reason greater engagement.

4. Evaluate Consumer and Container Data

It’s astounding the things you find about the customers as you appear and also to look hard. Exceed purchase data and explore basket-level data to develop a richer understanding of how your items are purchased in context.

5. Segmentation & Targeting

Precisely how you segment the info depends after your customer proposal strategy. For case in point, demographic segmentation versions will use diverse segments to personality models.

Segmentation gives you to tailor and personalize your advertising, service, and product sales efforts to the needs of particular groups. It will help boost customer devotion and conversions.

6. Personalization

The 72% of consumers only hook up with highly personalized content. Given these types of lofty expectations, makers should be proactive and provide customized encounters. Do not let the consumer pick from all of the things and wish they see something they like.

7. Deployment

Customer proposal is the task of the entire organization–not just Marketing. The omnichannel strategy is a preferred way to ensure constant quality in customer engagement irrespective of how the consumer chooses strategy. This implies using a system to recognize and possess interaction using the two purchases with no- purchase actions.

Using Data Visualization in Your Content to Improve Your Digital Marketing Campaign

Are you bored by your static blog posts and struggling to find new ways to engage your  audience? Maybe you think your lack of analytics is holding back your content marketing efforts. If so, it may be time for data visualization. Data visualization can provide an additional way for people to explore, understand, and grasp complex topics in addition to providing a powerful new tool in the hands of content marketers who want to increase readership on their sites. This article will show how data visualization in blog posts can help improve blog conversion rates and engagement with readers who are using mobile devices.

What is Data Visualization?

Data visualization is a form of presentation that uses interactive charts, infographics, or digital images to convey information in a format that’s easy for users to digest and understand. When done well, visualizations are more efficient at getting ideas across than traditional data-heavy infographics. In fact, research has shown that humans process information more easily when it’s presented through pictures rather than through words. The reason is because the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. And according to MarketingProfs, 34% of executives say they “find data visualization easier to read” and 52% of executives would “prefer to track their own metrics on an interactive dashboard with graphics.

To a designer, data visualization can be as simple as using the popular React.JS widget library or a custom function written in Python to produce an interactive chart that leverages D3.JS as an open source JavaScript library for creating functional and dynamic charts. In other words, there are many different ways to write your own data visualizations with a goal of delivering new and engaging content to your audience.

For marketers who have been brave enough to explore data visualization in their blogs, the results have been incredible. A study conducted by research firm Visuact found that visualizations increased website click-through rates (CTR) by 65%. The study also found that visualizations increased online ad conversion rates by 14%.

The Power of Data Visualization

To put this into context, a blog post with a chart or infographic is more likely to engage readers than a blog post that’s only chock-full of data. That’s because visuals can tackle complex topics head on and infographics are 10 times more likely to be read than their plain text counterparts.

For example, in The Power of Data Visualization and the Death of Infographics , Neil Patel wrote: “Data visualization is the next iteration of information graphics. It uses data to tell a story and make an interesting point. When used effectively, it can attract a lot of eyeballs.


If you’re looking to engage your readers, boost your blog conversion rates and improve your digital marketing campaign, data visualization should form a part of your content strategy. While there are multiple ways to embed visuals into your posts, the end result will be well worth the effort. As long as you educate yourself on how to make data-driven infographics that convert into leads and sales for your business, it’s only a matter of time before you can see results from data visualization in action.

Successful digital marketing strategy for your small business

Digital marketing is crucial to any small business’ success in today’s fast-paced, tech-savvy society. With so many different platforms out there, it can be overwhelming to try and create a digital marketing strategy that fits your specific needs. Read on to learn how to create the right digital marketing strategy for your small business so you can make an impact with every aspect of your business presence online.

Why you need a digital marketing strategy

The explosion of web technology and access to global markets has created an explosion of opportunities for businesses. Today, any small business can have a storefront with just a few clicks, sell products or services in any country with just a few more, and get information about their customers within hours instead of days. No matter how big or how niche you are, being able to connect to customers anywhere in a matter of minutes is something everyone needs to be able to do—and fast.

The importance of knowing your target audience

As we mentioned above, it’s important to know who you’re talking to. This is especially true in digital marketing, where so many channels are at play and an ad can reach any number of people with varying interests. If you don’t take time to truly understand your target audience, you could lose out on potential customers who might have been interested in what you have to offer.

Segmentation and Targeting

You’ve likely heard of targeting as a component of digital marketing, but not many people are familiar with segmentation. This might be because they sound similar—and they both deal with putting targeted audiences into smaller groups—but they serve two very different purposes. Segmentation is done before targeting, and it means dividing up a large audience into smaller, more focused ones to make sure your advertising budget is working hard for you.

Generating Engagement

The first step in creating a successful digital marketing strategy is coming up with content that will entice your audience to pay attention to what you have to say. Being aware of how people interact with social media platforms is also important. For example, understanding that people are more likely to share articles and engage with them on Facebook than they are on LinkedIn can help you determine which platform would be best suited for any given campaign. Also consider using images or videos as part of your digital marketing efforts—they are often well-received by social media users, but use some caution when sharing sensitive material.

Creating A Strong Social Media Presence

Social media is a great way to create a strong digital presence and communicate with current and potential customers. It’s important to keep in mind that while social media is fun, it should be treated professionally. Invest time and energy into finding new ways to build relationships through social media platforms. You can share information about your company, provide links to interesting articles about your industry or niche, send out announcements about specials or events in your store—the opportunities are endless! The successful digital marketing strategy also includes more traditional forms of digital advertising such as pay-per-click ads on search engines like Google and Yahoo.

Importance of SEO in a Globalized Digital Age

The role of search engine optimization (SEO) is growing more important as digital becomes increasingly integrated into our lives. As more people use online resources for entertainment, news, communication and more, businesses must ensure that their website receives as much traffic as possible to stay relevant. With the advent of Smartphone and the internet, it has become easier than ever to get almost any information you want at your fingertips in an instant. With more companies relying on online marketing for business growth and expansion, it’s crucial to ensure your company appears at or near the top of search results whenever a customer searches for products or services you offer. 

If you are planning to take your business to international markets, it’s also important to recognize that Google’s search results vary by region. While Google is often referred to as a global company, its reach is technically only about 50 percent when it comes to Internet users—and even less (about 20 percent) when it comes to Smartphone owners. Regardless of where your target customers live, though, you will want them to find your site easily through search engines like Google and Bing. Developing an effective strategy to rank highly on these services—as well as additional services used by local populations, such as Baidu in China or Yandex in Russia—is a critical component of any digital marketing plan.

Here are three key points where SEO can make a difference

  •  A comprehensive approach to SEO is vital, but you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. Some business owners treat their local listings as an afterthought and neglect to do anything more than include their address, phone number, and hours on Google Maps. Do more than just list your company on Google Maps; write compelling descriptions that not only accurately reflect your company but compel people to visit it as well.
  • Make sure your information – from reviews to photos – is up-to-date and accurate as well. Remember: The internet isn’t restricted by borders. If customers can’t find you online when they search for your product or service, they may be willing to find someone else who can provide what they need instead. It’s crucial to appear on every platform so that consumers don’t have to go searching for you. You might have won over local customers before, but if you fail to make yourself visible on every platform where people are looking for businesses like yours, you could miss out on many opportunities. No matter how successful you become locally, customer searches will eventually span beyond your city limits. Think about how often you search for products or services online; chances are high that if something piques your interest, you’ll look beyond local options.
  • Don’t Let Google Control Your Destiny: With so much at stake, companies must do everything they can to ensure that their businesses appear when customers search online. After all, what good is having a great product or service if customers never find out about it? The importance of SEO simply cannot be overstated; you should develop a comprehensive approach that spans across all your digital channels – from social media posts to online advertisements – because Google is expanding into these arenas as well. As long as Google continues to be the gatekeeper of information on the internet, it will hold massive sway over consumers and businesses alike.

Ten Quick SEO Tricks and Tips for Blogs

Optimize the “On Page SEO”

The On Page SEO is like an important component in the SEO efforts. The truth is, it is very important to have this right; if not, the left behind SEO tips will not be that effective.

For the on-page SEO, you’ll need to give closer consideration to the label tag, meta description, the page URL and also the keyword density of the page (optional). Try placing the target keywords next to the opening of the article. Sprinkle them throughout the article and be sure that it will look natural. Turn away from stuffing keywords since you may get penalized for too much optimization.

SEO tips

Include the parentheses, numbers, and the year in the title

The rivalry of some keywords is truly a fierce. But you can use a simple trick so that you can stick out from the circle and improve your personal click-through rates. Try adding the year in the post titles of your article. Just by adding on the year of the article will weed out from the many competitions and will make the content even more relevant for the users looking for the current information.

It will improve the organic click-through rates (CTR) which is the important ranking signal. But, when the adding of the year will not likely to happen, you may add the numbers, parentheses or brackets to every end of the titles instead. However, the inclusion of the year will mean that the content will appear out-of-date next year. So be sure to update your title and URL as another year approaches.

Get the pages ranked rapidly

When you want the articles to rank rapidly, be sure that you register with the Google Search Console. It is the tool that you will use to monitor the concrete search engine ranks on the search results pages of Google. Once it is registered, you will be notified when Google is having some troubles indexing the pages and then, take the necessary actions to settle your site. To make sure that Google is aware about what the whole blog is all about, you have to submit the sitemap.

The sitemap is simply the file that contained the list of the site’s URLs which you submitted to Google and to some other search engines. This will helps Google and the other search engines in including your site’s pages within the search results more quickly and easily.

Make you are a Blog Mobile Friendly

Lots of people are now browsing the different web and exploring on Google by using their mobile device. Due to the tiny screen size, a desktop version of the site will be troublesome to see and use on the mobile device. So it is just critical to make sure the blog designs to become mobile ready. It is just important and Google has started using the mobile-first index. When the blog is not optimized for the mobile, it will not rank that well, even though it has the best input and the scores are high with some other SEO efforts.

To make the mobile-ready site, your design had to be mobile open. Having a mobile receptive style will mean that your blog automatically tweak to the size of the screen. Google has also begun to show the AMP or the Accelerated Mobile Pages and it is identified with the lightning bolt symbol within a search engine result page.

Mobile friendly blog

SEO Content Writing guidelines

When 2020 already approached, SEO is not anymore working in shorter article writings. Now, it has a lot of work and a lot of writing to do. If you really want to improve your possibility of leveling on the first or the primary search results pages, particularly in blogging, SEO niche, and social media marketing, then, there is really no other way around than to write longer blog posts.

It will help a lot if you have the passion in what you are writing and your topics will give you personal excitement while writing them. Placing everything that you learned into practice will make the whole procedure really a fun learning event where you will get to see initially those that will work and those that will not. Also, for those who are inborn in English speaking, it will give them the opportunity to practice their English writing. Research had shown that advertising long-form content may help you to rank higher. Hoping to write blog advertisements with 1800 terms or words or longer will be a much better starting point. The long-form content may increase the dwell time, like the time somebody spends on your website.

Use LSI Keywords so that it will increase more in the Overall Rankings

Do not worry it is not as dense as it sounds! The LSI means Latent Semantic Indexing. The LSI keywords are phrases and words that Google links with the main keyword. One example is, the topic is about cat food, and the LSI keywords are: “low protein diets”, “lean body”, and “vegan cat”.

These are the related words that Google would anticipate seeing in the comprehensive article regarding your cat food. These are important since they can give the perspective for Google to really comprehend with your page. Google has been moving towards the (RankBrain SEO) machine learning for ranking the pages and will not anymore depend solely on the conventional off-page and on-page SEO rank factors.

Research Link Building Opportunity

When you arrive with the blog post idea, this has to be fresh, unique, and with many long-tail keywords which will bring in the organic traffic. However, how will you know when the topic isn’t overdone or already saturated?

This is where the previously Open Site Explorer or Moz’s Link Explorer now will come in. This is an all-in-one connection building tool that may help you in making better links building researches, and better content marketing with link prospecting. The actual benefit is the capability to see the link profile of the competitions. Plug in their URLs, find the top pages, and overturn engineer their campaigns so it can assist you to take backlinks from the same sites. The link explores is the controlling content marketing tool that is set for any marketers even though it may be a bit technical for starters.

Perform Keyword Research

The keyword research involved finding the series of the famous phrases and words that people are looking for based around the topic. And then you make your attempt to discover what you need to rank for. With no carrying out of the keyword research, you are in danger in using keywords or in writing about the topics that can be appealing to you but had a bit to zero interest to the target users.

When carrying out the keyword research, those best keywords must satisfy the following standards:

Google Keyword Planner permits you to see the keywords fame and see how viable they are.

Good search volume – possibly more traffic for the site

Has commercial intent – are the keywords profitable?

Low competition – and so that you will have the better chance for ranking

You may use the free tools like Answer the Public or the Google Keyword Planner.

Keyword research

Switch to HTTPS in Securing the Site

Google had confirmed that changing to HTTPS provides the small ranking boost. This has been initially announced HTTPS as the ranking signal way back in 2014. Mainly, HTTPS is the secured version of HTTP. Every major web browsers like Chrome, Firefox now show the insecure warning if the site is not HTTPS. You do not want this, since it will make the site appear lesser trustworthy and the people might shun from visiting the entire site.

When you implement the HTTPS for the blog, you will see the following if you are using Chrome. Unfortunately, that is the danger that you will have to get if you have already established the keyword rankings. The rankings dropped because if you switch to the HTTPS from HTTP, and Google considered you are utilizing an exclusive URL so that you are essentially beginning from scratch again.

Whereas it is absolutely the cause for concern, earlier or later you must regain every rank back and traffics must return, given that you implemented HTTPS properly. Some just say it takes anyplace from 2 weeks to 2 months, with the average of 1 month just before all things is being back to normal.

Speedup the Site Your page load speed, with no shadow of any doubt, is an SEO ranking factor.

With the Google is placing more meaning on the mobile-primary index, mobile must go on to be a part of the SEO strategy. The research has revealed that about half of the mobile users leave the website if it does not load within 3 seconds.